Friday, July 10, 2009

Constructive Feedback Friday

So, I've decided to try something new today. I've been lurking at I Heart Faces for a while now and have been waiting for the perfect moment to swoop in and introduce myself. The time has come! Today, they are hosting Constructive Feedback Friday. It's an opportunity for amateur photographers to post a photo that they'd like some feedback on from more experienced photographers. How else do you improve without practice and feedback? So, I'm putting this out one out there for some help!
Info about the photo: f/7.1 1/60 sec ISO 400 50 mm
What I'd like to improve upon: 1. Getting the red out! How can I get some of the red out, without making Mel's eyes look like a zombie?
2. Stray hairs - Any tricks to cleaning these up without making the photo look totally fixed?
3. Any other pointers anyone would like to offer! I'm still very new to the photography world and I will gladly take any advice offered!

The original image(Click images to see them larger):

First Edit(Swapped Rex's head from another photo into this one, using Photoshop):

Second Edit(Tried to get some of the red out of Mom's eyes, cleaned up a scratch on Rex's forehead & cropped, using Picnik):

Final(Added Vignette & Frame, using Picnik):


Caroline Ghetes July 10, 2009 at 8:47 AM  

Hi there! Okay if this were my session and my image here;s what i would have done differently. I have tried many a things to get the red out of the whites in someone's eyes, and frankly I haven't found anything personally that worked and had a natural result. I would have rescheduled the session for another time when the red cleared up. Also, with stray hairs, i use the healing brush. You would have to zoom in real close and pretty much take a while to get rid of each one. When I shoot weddings, I try to be mindful of how the bride's hair looks when shooting her (along with any other subject I shoot) and I make sure there any strays, because I know what a pain in the butt it is to fix it after wards. Hope that helped somewhat?

Teresa July 10, 2009 at 9:28 AM  

Hi! It's so nice to meet you, and I'm glad you chose today to introduce yourself to all of us here at I ♥ Faces!

I have the worst trouble with red tint in my photos when I don't have enough light on the subject. Your settings look fine, and the light also seems fine, but I probably would have opened the aperture up a little to allow more light in.

Good job with getting some of the red out. One way you can do some color correcting in Photoshop is to go to your layers menu, create a new adjustment layer by clicking on the circle at the bottom that looks half black/half white. Choose "curves" from the pop-up menu. Since reds are the problem here, chose the red channel, then adjust those levels until you're happy.

When I was happy with the overall skin tones, I just ran the destaurate brush lightly on the mom's lash line and whites of her eyes to bring the red down a little more. If it's still too much for you, you could do the curves adjustment layer again, but with a mask so you could apply it only to the eyes.

For stray hairs, I also use the Patch Tool in photoshop to carefully clean those away. It can be tedious work, especially if there are hairs in the eyes. I do try to watch out for that when shooting to save time later. It's a real struggle on windy days! In this case, I wouldn't worry about stray hairs anywhere except across the face, in the eyes, or in the mouth. Natural is good.

I would sharpen the photo more. I would leave more room at the top of Rex's head, and watch that the subjects aren't really affected by the vignette.

Given the age of the boy, this pose may have been the only thing he was willing to do, but if he had been open to it, I would like to see him closer to the others...maybe with his face beside the mom's face, leaning over her shoulder. That would create a nice close visual triangle, something that's very pleasing to the eye.

Thank you for sharing this nice photo with us today! You've obviously already learned a lot about editing photos. I took a peek at the others from this session...good job! Keep it'll learn more every day.

lislynn July 10, 2009 at 6:51 PM  

Ok. I think the best way to deal with reds that I can't get rid of otherwise is to simply chuck it in and convert to b&w. That's what I did! I also fooled around a bit with the healing tool and reduced some noise, but mostly b&w. Then I added a cool frame-thingy that a fellow blogger/photographer taught me about to help deal with the slightly awkward spacing Theresa was talking about. It's not perfect, but it does help a bit, I think.




About Me

My photo
My name is Jen Gribbin. I am just a regular girl with a fancy camera. :-) I'm trying to develop both my photography skills, as well as a portfolio. I started making an effort to put my camera to good use about six months ago. As I continue to take more, I will post them here for the world to see. I love comments, so please let me know what you think - good or bad! Please be constructive, though. My feelings are easily hurt. ;-)

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